Design, manufacture, service and installation of professional industrial cranes



Standard ISO 9001:2015

Bureau Veritas confirms that an audit of the management system has been carried out in the mentioned organization and that the implemented management system complies with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.


Bonitetna ocena A+

The certificate confirms that the business entity is included in the group of companies with the best credit rating in Slovenia. Indenna fulfills all the criteria for 2020 and ranks at the very top of credit rating excellence.

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Training for servicing bridge cranes

We are happy to announce that we have successfully completed training for servicing overhead cranes up to 320 tons! The training took place in Ljubljana in the presence of the business partner/supplier from Germany, SWF Krantechnik GmbH. Service technicians from the branch from Croatia – Indenna Impuls d.o.o. were also present at the training.

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